Journey to motherhood


May, 2019

Every woman is on her own journey in life, focussing on exploring our vast world, meeting beautiful people to surround herself with or working hard to achieve success through education or career avenues. Yet at some point we all think about children, a subtle pondering which usually intensifies.  

Although there is no expectation that every woman should bear a child or children, it has become one of the life goals for many. But in all of the modern ways of the world and the constant influence to compare and overthink most important things in life, do we ever look in and connect. Really feel into ourselves and trust. That we have everything we need to grow a baby, that we are strong enough to navigate birth and that we will be enough as a mother to our children.

Where do you see the journey of motherhood beginning? is it when you become pregnant? When you hold your baby for the first time? For me, it begins with the thought, the shift in time and the pondering of what it would be like to nurture a child.

Babies seem to have a mind of their own in terms of when to show up. Sometimes we are prepared for the life lessons they are about to teach us and sometimes it’s all a big surprise, either way, once begun there is definitely no turning back and there lies a lot of growth ahead.

Sometimes we are prepared for the life lessons they are about to teach us and sometimes it’s all a big surprise.”

If we as mothers can nurture ourselves from the very beginning, in honouring our journey right from the beginning, we open ourselves to an awareness of how strong and beautiful our bodies are and how amazing it is to be growing a tiny soul to life. 

Connecting in with our babies in pregnancy with a hand on our belly and a nudge of a foot or hand can centre us and refocus the journey we are on. It is a time that can feel long but is gone in an instant. 

Surrendering and letting go to the power of our bodies brings us to the limits of our reach and beyond, asking more of us than the physical but to embark on a mental and spiritual journey. One that doesn’t stop at the birth of our child, but is just beginning. 


Motherhood can push you to your extreme limits in every way. It forces you to learn who you are as a person and to find a comfortable place in your own skin in order to guide and nurture others.

It is the most powerful journey of fierce love, unrelenting compassion and intense heartbreak, but above all, it is an amazing journey of self awareness, selflessness and connection.  

Next time we are breathing through the pain of breastfeeding with tender nipples, taking ourselves outside for “time out” from our two year old spinning around on the floor in complete tanti mode, refereeing another tribal disagreement  between siblings or looking to find a place to go and just scream because it’s got to release something, right? 

Just connect in with yourself on that deeper level and think about all that you have achieved, all that you are. That intuitive, strong, patient, unconditional, fierce mother that is connected to so many others who are just where you are in the motherhood journey right now.


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Maternity- Birth - Newborn- Family- Commercial

Alstonville, Ballina, Byron Bay

Maternity- Birth - Newborn- Family- Commercial

Alstonville, Ballina, Byron Bay

frequently asked questions


  • Q. My kids are gorgeous, but they don’t sit still and I’m worried they won’t behave..."

    A. I’m a mum of three busy kids, I get it, the more you tell them what to do, the less they want to do it! I usually start with a few ‘everyone look at the camera’ shots and then the rest of the session is pretty easy going, I might give some suggestions for things to do, or more photogenic places to go, but generally I just let the kids play and explore. Often the best photos are when your kid is doing the thing that makes them most happy! And if meltdowns happen (and they will!) I may take an adorable photo of that, and then we can take a little break or head on a different adventure.

  • Q. Should I wait until everything is perfect?

    A. Is family life ever perfect? Your kids want to see you, with them, so they can hold those memories and feelings in their hearts. You may never lose those 5 kilos, you may never re-paint that feature wall, and that is okay. Your kids don’t care, time goes fast, don’t wait. (or if you’re like me, a photoshoot is a great deadline haha).

  • Q. So how does it work? Where do we start?

    A. Great question –  click on the contact tab above to chat with me!

  • Q. When should I book my family session?

    A. If you need a weekend, I am usually booked out 2-3 months in advance, so get in touch ASAP to check availability. If a weekday suits you, at least 2-4 weeks notice is great. I do get the odd cancellation, so it’s always worth checking if you aren’t sure!

  • Q. When should I book my newborn session?

    A. If you want to capture your bub when they’re brand new, book a session as soon as you can. I usually book you in for your due date initially, then whenever your little one arrives we can make a firm date and time then. I only take on 4 newborns a month so I am able to be flexible if they need to be rescheduled. My sessions however are very relaxed and don’t require bub to be asleep to perform any crazy baby yoga positions, so even if your bub is 4-6 weeks old by the time you are feeling up to photos, they will still capture all that new baby love.

  • Q. What if my baby arrives early or late, can we move our newborn session?"

    A. Yes, absolutely! Often babies don’t like to stick to their due date and that is fine. I usually recommend booking your session for your due date, and if bub comes early or late we can work out an available date to move the session.

  • Q. What days/times do you do the sessions?

    Outdoor sunset sessions I shoot Monday-Sunday, we start 1-2 hours before sunset, depending on the location.

    Real life sessions I shoot on Sundays and the time can vary depending on the activities you choose to do and the light in your home/yard, generally 2-3 hours before sunset

    Newborn sessions I generally shoot these Monday - Friday, we generally aim for a 9.30am start if that works with any older kids and naps. If you need a weekend session to include older siblings this can be arranged also.

    If you have a wedding or other occasion, I do have some flexibility outside of these days/times, so please Get in touch

  • Q. Where can we do the shoot?

    A. I absolutely love photographing families in places that are special to them, whether that is your family home, or the beach or park you always go to together, if the place is special to you, the photos will also be that little bit more special in the years to come. If it’s just a photogenic location for your sunset session you need, then head to the contact page and I’m happy to recommend some options around the Byron Bay or Northern NSW.

  • Q. Can my dog be in the photos?

    A. Absolutely! I have a dog who is very much a special part of our family, I couldn't imagine having family photos without him! Let me know if you want to bring your fur baby and we can make sure it's a dog friendly location. They can be in all the photos if you want, or we can find a shady spot to tie them up or let them roam free if they are allowed, up to you!

  • Q. How much is it?

    A. Head to my contact page and get in touch to find out. Alternatively my pricing page will give you a starting price for the various sessions.

  • Q. Can I have a discount?

    A. For past clients who have had a full family or newborn session with me I offer a $100 discount off your chosen package. If my sessions aren’t within your current budget, keep an eye out for one of my mini sessions by following me on my Facebook or Instagram, as they are announced here first.

  • Q. Do you do mini sessions?

    A. Yes! I usually do mini sessions around mothers day and Christmas mini sessions in November. These sessions are shorter than my regular sessions, with a small number of images at a discounted price. Best to keep an eye on my Facebook or Instagram as they are announced here first.

  • Q. What if the weather is bad or we’re sick on the day of the shoot?

    A. Cloudy skies make for great photos, but I certainly don’t want to get stuck in a storm. If it looks like it may rain and this will affect our shoot, I’ll be in contact in the days prior and we can decide if we should reschedule.

    If you or your little ones are sick, please try to give a least 24 hours notice, and we can reschedule when everyone is feeling better.

  • Q. What should we wear?

    A. I’ll send you a detailed guide after you book your session, including lots of info on what to wear, what to expect and how to prep for your session. But if you have any questions, head to my contact page and we can chat!

  • Q. Do you photograph extended families?

    Yes! The relationships between cousins, grandparents, aunts is truly special and many families gift a session to a loved one for special occasions. You are welcome to also split off into separate family groups for photos also. Head to my pricing page for starting prices on family sessions or my contact page to chat with me.

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